About Carley Schelck

“Regardless of WHAT we do in our lives, our WHY—our driving purpose, cause or belief—never changes.” 

~ Simon Sinek

“Ten years ago, most companies engaged a coach to help fix toxic behavior at the top. Today, most coaching is about developing the capabilities of high-potential performers. The top three reasons for engaging a coach are:

Develop high potentials or facilitate transition – 48%
Act as a sounding board – 26%
Address derailing behaviour – 12%”

Harvard Business Review

Partner and CEO, the urban element

With joie de vivre and a serious love for all things food, Carley is inspired by the both the creativity and challenges of the hospitality and catering world. As owner and CEO of The Urban Element – an Ottawa based boutique culinary experiences and event management company founded in 2005 – Carley is known for her enthusiasm and eye for detail.

This enthusiasm extends far beyond the kitchen and into the community, where she works towards generating greater accessibility to both food and food education. This passion led her to create Cultivating Cooks, a classroom-based hands-on food literacy program that provides youth with life skills such as growing and cooking their own food. Dedicated to the notion of lifelong learning, Carley keeps education at the forefront of her path – both professional and personal. Carley teaches in the School of Business at Algonquin College, mentoring graduates who are transitioning into the business world.

An entrepreneur through and through, Carley faces entrepreneurial challenges with a sense of optimism and opportunity.



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Inside Track Business Coaching
Ottawa, Canada


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