About Jim Cummings

“Show me a successful person and I’ll show you someone who’s no stranger to failure.” 

~ Jim Cummings

“Ten years ago, most companies engaged a coach to help fix toxic behavior at the top. Today, most coaching is about developing the capabilities of high-potential performers. The top three reasons for engaging a coach are:

Develop high potentials or facilitate transition – 48%
Act as a sounding board – 26%
Address derailing behaviour – 12%”

Harvard Business Review

He is currently the owner and CEO of Skyline Ottawa and Moor Island Investments Limited.

Jim is also a Professor in the School of Business Management & Entrepreneurship at Algonquin College. As a business coach, Jim combines his years of business experience with his passion for teaching to help businesses prosper.

Outside of the business world, Jim is a husband, proud parent, jazz musician, volunteer, sea captain, and self-described lucky dog.



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Inside Track Business Coaching
Ottawa, Canada


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